What would you expect after the recent murder of the Hezbollah's Supreme leader Hassan Nasrallah? Iranians and their proxies to welcome the Benjamin Netanyahu’s murderous army with rose petals, garlands, and a big smile; and surrender meekly?

I don’t know what you expect. But, I do foresee a regional war erupting soon, that shall engulf entire Arabian peninsula despite heavy military posturing by the American, British, and French naval fleets in the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean near Iranian ports.

My conclusion is based on the drama that is unfolding after the murder of Hassan Nasrallah in a brazen manner by the Israeli Air force.

The Iranian regime has so far been keeping the Israeli fire away from Iran despite murder of Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader in Tehran, by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.

Despite deep embarrassment and provocation, Iranian regime has so far meticulously avoided getting into direct military confrontation with Israel and Israeli allies.

But, the brazen murder of Hassan Nasrallah has enraged the shia majoritian Iranian public which has called for the immediate removal of current Iranian president over Iranian retaliatory inaction against murderous Israeli government leadership and defence forces.

The Iranian leadership finds itself in a tight corner more so with the recent revelation by a former president of Iran that the former head of Iranian spy/intelligence agency was an agent of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.

Therefore, the Iranian government shall have to take some military action even if token, against Israel to satisfy Iranian street. If it doesn’t, it risks being overthrown in the massive tide of public anger. But, even a token action would be used as an excuse by Israeli government leadership and allies to attack Iran on a full scale.

So, the retaliatory action shall have to be full and not half-hearted if Iranians have to ward off Israel and allies. If it’s full, American and allied Naval fleets shall attack Iran. Russia, China, and other Iranian friends may then have to jump into the fire to protect their friend Iran.

Also, the American allies such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and others shall be attacked by the axis of resistance Forces. This may cause political upheavals in the region.

It shall then be a golden opportunity for Russia to settle scores with the United States because of whose help only the Ukraine has caused heavy losses to the Russian military and assets. That my dear sensible readers shall be a sure recipe for the Third World War, whether a limited or full-fledged edition.

Secondly, Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet have lost all senses of moderation, proportionality and discrimination. In fact, they are behaving as a bunch of criminalised mad people who have just escaped from some mental asylum and gone on a rampage burning down the houses on the street in a stupor.

Their recent military actions in Lebanon, Syria, and other places such as the air strike on the villa of the Syrian president Bashar al Assad's brother can best be described as indiscriminatory, disproportional. However, Israeli government leadership covers it up as preemptive strikes.

This Israeli Doctrine of Preemptive strikes leads to my second fear.

As long as Israeli Defense Forces had played a friendly match with the forces of axis of resistance, things were still under control. But, not so now. Things are out of control.

Seeing the inhuman, barbaric, and disproportionate approach of the Israeli government leadership and Defense Forces, it’s clear that the Israeli Defense Forces and Mossad are likely to continue to assassinate anyone and everyone in the Middle East whom they perceive to be a threat to their Jewish nation-State of Israel irrespective of the fact whether the potent victims are really a threat or not.

It is just a matter of time before Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet invent one or the other excuse to hit Iran militarily along the lines of their operation against Hassan Nasrallah.

If Iranian leadership don’t take military action now against Israel, they will soon find themselves eliminated by the mad lynching mob of Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet. This is evident from the verbal threat issued to Iranians by Benjamin Netanyahu from the pods of United Nations and through recent videos.

In such a scenario, the axis of resistance Forces have no other option other than to pay back in the same coin. If they don’t hit Israel, Israel shall destroy them because Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet shall liquidate them in the same barbaric manner that they used with Hassan Nasrallah. So, it has become a question of survival for axis of resistance groups, too.

Third point is Hassan Nasrallah was comparatively a moderate leader. But, leaders of other axis of resistance groups aren’t. He had a moderating influence on them as evidenced by the careful calibrated graded attacks by Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies. With Hassan Nasrallah gone, Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet have lost this advantage.

Scared of the Benjamin Netanyahu's project of a ‘Greater Israel' which dangerously seems possible at this stage shall only provide a sense of urgency to the axis of resistance groups which may now start carrying out preemptive strikes and assassinations against Israel, taking a leaf from the Israeli book of Israeli government leadership itself.

Thus, I foresee a simmering political cauldron.

My sincere advice to the Biden Administration is that they must rein in their mad friend, Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet, help him to come to his sensible senses.

~ डॉ स्वामी अप्रतिमानंदा जी

Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee

(The writer is an acclaimed independent Scientific Healer, yoga and ayurveda-Practitioner, Spiritual/Research/Political/Cosmic Scientist, Analyst, Gynaecologist, Epidemiologist, Geostrategist, economic/political-Geographer, Geohumanist, Cosmologist, and citizen-Economist)

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