Christ, the beloved son of the Heavenly Father, was a scientist par excellence steeped into scientific spirit of evidence.

He gave several direct evidences of his supernatural powers. For example, he gave eyesight to a person who was born blind. He reached onto boat amidst storm by walking on water. He brought back to life Lazarus who had already died. These three      

representative  miracles were direct evidence of Christ being a person who possessed some supernatural powers. Even sceptics can't term these three aforesaid evidences as something of an illusion or mesmerism performed by Christ.

I know sceptics may say some of miracles performed by Christ could have been acts of mass hypnotism. For example, sceptics may well argue the great miracle of Christ having produced bread and fish from a single food-basket for eating by a gathering of 5000 people, or the LORD speaking from Heavens to a disbelieving gathering in Temple in Israel - were nothing but mass illusions created by Christ! Of course, I myself personally don't consider these as acts of illusion or mesmerism.

The evidences quoted above fall into category of direct evidence. 

Then, there were several evidences that he gave actually fall into category of indirect evidence. For example, he said that anyone who saw him (Christ)  saw the heavenly Father himself since the heavenly father and he (Christ) were one. The proof of existence and presence of LORD/GOD in terms of believing in LORD/GOD being present in Christ can be said to be an indirect evidence. It's indirect since we are asked to reason like this - Christ has given direct proof of his miraculous powers by performing miracles, he credits these miracles to powers used by LORD/GOD, and therefore we are supposed to believe in existence and presence of LORD/GOD though we may be unable to see him (GOD/LORD) with our own physical eyes. 

Even today's Scientists use indirect evidences to pronounce many of their scientific statements and findings such as the existence and presence of a phenomenon called the "Black Hole" in universe. 

Christ was full of Compassion for fellow humans. He saved life of Mary Magdalene who had been condemned to death by stone-pelting on charges of illicit sexual relationships. He healed patients even on Sundays despite a ban on such activities on Sundays by Jewish priests.

So, what would Christ the Great Scientist and Compassionate being do if he were physically present amongst us today and faced a woman who wanted to undergo abortion after having become pregnant?

Well, given the examples cited above, it would be safe to conclude he would behave as a Scientist full of compassion in his heart. So, he would give due weightage to feelings, emotions, health, other concerns of pregnant woman and allow her to undergo abortion if she wanted so!

I often feel very surprised, perplexed and sad to read about Unscientific and Uncompaassionate attitude of some Christians as reflected in their animosity to very idea of a woman aborting her unwanted pregnancy. They contend it's against laws of God to not allow a soul get born by letting a woman terminate her pregnancy. But,  Christ would have calmly said," Life and feelings of this pregnant woman are more important than forcing her to give birth to a child. God is Love. Love is God. You really don't love this pregnant woman if you have hatred for her decision to abort her pregnancy. Look, unborn soul of aborted foetus shall be given birth somewhere else by LORD and so don't feel bad on termination of her pregnancy. Think about tremendous amount of unhappiness, and unbearable psychological pain that she shall have to live with if she is not allowed to terminate her pregnancy and instead is forced to give birth. By forcing her give birth, you will be depriving both mother and newly born child of selfless Love that springs forth from a mother's heart who gives birth voluntarily.   Thus, you will be doing disservice to LORD. There is no direct or indirect Scientific evidence that it hurts God's plans if a woman aborts. I therefore lovingly recommend she be allowed to make her own choice and take her own decision to terminate her own pregnancy."

It's really weird to know that several states such as Alabama, Iowa, Ohio, etc., in the USA, the most powerful democracy in world, don't permit a woman to terminate her unwanted pregnancy. 

For example, to quote wikipedia as regards Alabama,"On April 2, 2019, House Bill 314, also known as the Human Life Protection Act, which bans abortions at every stage of pregnancy and criminalizes the procedure for doctors (except in the case of medical emergency), was introduced into the Lower House. The bill passed the Lower House on April 30 (74-3), the Senate on May 14, and was signed into law by Governor Kay Ivey on May 16." 

As regards Iowa,"As of April 2020, abortion was legal in Iowa. On March 26, 2020, Governor Kim Reynolds expanded upon previous COVID-19 disaster proclamations to halt elective and non-essential surgeries. The following day her office asserted: "[The] Proclamation suspends all nonessential or elective surgeries and procedures until April 16th, that includes surgical abortion procedures".

As regards Ohio," An Ohio state law passed in April 2019 will make abortion illegal after the fetus's heartbeat can be detected, usually between five or six weeks into the pregnancy. No exceptions for cases of rape or incest are made in the law, which is slated to go into effect in July."

Legal complexities existing on the thorny issue of abortion in the USA can be understood easily from following quotation from wikipedia (as of Friday, October 23, 2020),"...Abortion in the United States is legal via the landmark 1973 case of Roe v. Wade. Specifically, abortion is legal in all U.S. states, and every state has at least one abortion clinic. However, individual states can regulate/limit the use of abortion or create "trigger laws", which would make abortion illegal within the first and second trimesters if Roe were overturned by the Supreme Court of the United States. Also, nine states—Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, West Virginia and Wisconsin still have their unenforced pre-Roe abortion bans on the lawbooks, which could start being enforced if Roe were overturned..."

Whereas, even in several other less developed countries such as India, etc, a woman can easily and legally terminate her unwanted pregnancy!

It's high time the ultra conservatives amongst Christians, especially in the USA comprehended true Scientific and Compassionate Spirit of Spirituality as taught and lived by Christ, the Great beloved son of God, understood spiritual fallacy and Unscientific spirit of not letting a woman abort, and therefore provided her all legal rights to terminate her own unwanted pregnancy. 

~Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee

(The writer is a  Scientific Healer, yoga-Practitioner, Yoga and Spiritual Master, Research Scientist, Gynaecologist, Epidemiologist, citizen-Economist,  and well known for informative analytical pieces on Healing, Spirituality, Yoga, Fitness, Health, Medicine, Ayurveda, Science, Economics, and Politics)

