All India Insaaneyat Party heartily welcomes the celebration of NAVRATRI from 3rd October to 7th October, 2019 at "DURGA SHAKTI PARK", on Durga Shakti Marg near B-Block market, sector-62, Noida by "SARBOJONIN PUJA SAMITI" in its 18th year since inception.
This yearly event has turned out to be the Most engaging of all cultural events in Sector-62.
In a sense, this cultural extravaganza has metamorphosedSector 62 into cultural-soul of Noida. This is the yearl cultural event that most people look forward to eagerly every year.
(Foto: Courtesy of Sarbojonin Puja Samiti)
This yearly event has turned out to be the Most engaging of all cultural events in Sector-62.
In a sense, this cultural extravaganza has metamorphosedSector 62 into cultural-soul of Noida. This is the yearl cultural event that most people look forward to eagerly every year.
(Foto: Courtesy of Sarbojonin Puja Samiti)