"स्वच्छ भारत, स्वस्थ भारत, समृद्ध भारत " सलोगन के सृजक डाॅ स्वामी अप्रतिमानंदा जी का सम्मान करने से प्रधानसेवक नरेंद्र मोदी बार बार क्यों चूक रहे हैं!

It' surprising that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has never appreciated in any of his "MAN KI BAAT मन की बात" radio broadcasts the contributions of Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee who had originated the slogan -"Swchh Bharat swasth Bharat smrudh Bharat स्वच्छ भारत, स्वस्थ भारत, समृद्ध भारत ". Narendra Modi had coined only "Swchh Bharat स्वच्छ भारत ". It was Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee who expanded it to include "Health & Prosperity" aspects also by coining the more comprehensive phrase - "Swchh Bharat ,swasth Bharat, smrudh Bharat स्वच्छ भारत, स्वस्थ भारत, समृद्ध भारत ".
It's also surprising why his government is not using this expanded phrase. They are using it in separate broken pieces - "स्वस्थ भारत Swsth Bharat ", " स्वच्छ भारत, स्वस्थ भारत Swchh Bharat swsth Bharat", " समृद्ध भारत smrudh Bharat", may be to avoid giving credit to Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee.
it's also surprising why Narendra Modi has never mentioned in his radio broadcasts Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee's book "The Vasudhiotic World Government And The Great Indian Dream Of Paramatantrataa" many suggestions given in which have been implemented by his government.  Had he done so, it would have gained him immense goodwill.
