The Google Must Remove Credibility Crisis from Blogger App


Please, don't allow changes to be made in a blog once the blog is published. This shall ensure Credibility of the blog. For example, lets say a researcher/political party named X publishes a research paper/idea on his/its blog on August 7, 2019.
Lets say there is another researcher/political party named Y.
Y can easily copy paper/idea of X and publish it as his/its own research paper/idea on his/its own blog and date it back by putting/scheduling it by givibg back-date of August 2, 2019; and claim that he/she/it had published it on 2nd of August much before X published it on 7th of August, 2019. And therefore Y can also easily claim credit for research paper/idea by citing date on which it was published on his/her/its blog. Thus research or idea given by X can/is easily appropriated by Y and create doubt as to who the real researcher/ideator is.
If Blogger app doesn't give option to make change once a blog is published, then it shall not be possible for Y to manipulate and claim credit for work of X. Precisely, due to this defect in blogger, most researchers don't publish their research papers on blogger.
The Google must remove this defect existing in its Blogger app
