जानिए कि योगी किस प्रकार विश्व में शांति स्थापित करने में बहुमूल्य योगदान दे रहे हैं! ( Know How Yoga-practitioners are Changing Course of Events to Bring Peace to World!)

It is an open secret that many Yoga-practitioners perform miraculous feats such as flying in air, getting out of their own physical body to indulge in ethereal space travel and so on…! Quite naturally then, you may legitimately ask a simple question: Do they also use their powers of Yoga to change a person’s mind or course of events?
The answer is an emphatic ‘Yes’ and how they do it has long remained a closely guarded secret.
The most celebrated instance is that of a Himalayan Yogee who had changed, sitting in a Himalayan cave, Hitler’s mind that ultimately ended the inhuman Second World War.
Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee has since the year 2005-2006 successfully used powers gained from Yoga-practice to help solve several pressing social, economic and political issues facing Maanavas in Bhaarat and elsewhere in world.
Remember how unfortunately the American president George W Bush, junior had resorted to military misadventures after horrible downing of Trade Towers in terrorist attack on September 11 in 2001. He had shocked saner world by resorting to disastrous ill-advised Iraqi invasion by American military on mere suspicion of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein possessing chemical weapons.
Therefore, Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee used his Yoga-powers to heal seven spiritual chakras of the American president George W Bush, junior and his prime ally, Tony Blair the-then British Prime Minister through Remote Healing. Besides, he tele-impressed their minds not to be war-happy. All this helped keep their minds in a state of perpetual peace that in turn ensured no Iraqi-Misadventure type events took place in their remaining presidential tenure.
Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee did ditto during Barack Hussein Obama’s time as the occupant of the White House.
At that time, the Barack Administration had veered near the decision to hit Syria with missiles shot off from American warships. If implemented, the decision would have not only caused untold suffering in terms of incalculable loss of precious Maanav lives in Syrian territory, but led possibly to disastrous third world war since Russia and Iran would’ve been sucked into Syrian conflict to aid their ally Assad, the Syrian ruler.
Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee realised the gravity of impending Syrian disaster. Therefore, he again used his Yoga-powers and Tele-impressing to focus continuously for 2-5 hours daily for nearly 15 days on Barack Hussein Obama’s mind to overpower latter’s Administration's latent negative urge to hit Syria with terrible missiles.
Simultaneously, he used his knowledge of Cosmic-psychology to change the Cosmographic-psychology of Syrian terrestrial region by removing envelop of negativity from over the Syrian region and creating a Cosmographic shield of positivity over it.
He brilliantly succeeded in transforming Barack Hussein Obama’s outlook on the vexing Syrian issue.
The end-result was Barack Hussein Obama quietly dropped the idea of dropping missiles on Syria…!
Then, there are instances of Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee having altered negative perceptions entertained by political leaders such as Rahul Gandhi, and Sonia Gandhi (Indian National Congress); Mulayam Singh Yadav, Akhilesh Yadav, and Amar Singh (Samajwadi Party); Mayawati of Bahujan Samajwadi Party by deploying his Yoga and Remote Healing skills involving, among others, cleansing of their seven holy spiritual chakras.
In addition, he used Cosmic-psychology over UP’s terrestrial region.
The desired positive result was visible for all to see in terms of relatively peaceful state elections in Uttar Pradesh which otherwise was until then notorious for a high frequency of political murders during elections…!
It would be worth mentioning here the factual truth of Amar Singh having survived after Kidney transplantation, in part due to the remote healing done by Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee…!
Then there was this case of Gurmeet Ram Rahim, the head of Dera Sachchaa Sauda. It was Indian National Congress ruling at the centre in New Delhi. There was total chaos and unrest in Hisar and other parts of Haryana in anticipation of tough action by government of the day against Gurmeet Ram Rahim. Violence was going to engulf entire Haryana eventually.
Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee again put his Yoga-skills to good use. He successfully remove negativity from over Haryana. He healed spiritual chakras of Gurmeet Ram Rahim. Consequently, no violent incident happened and situation turned serene from a messy one. Contrast this to what happened in 2017 when Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee did not use his Yoga skills. There was total chaos, disturbance and loss of precious innocent Maanav-lives in aftermath of Gurmeet Ram Rahim’s arrest by Haryana police.
Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee has observed over many past years that whenever he went deep into Yoga-practice mode with focus on Noida, there was a perceptible fall in crime rate in and around Noida. Similarly, he has focused on different terrestrial regions over a period of several years with positive results in terms of peace occurring there because of his practising Cosmic-psychology…!
Then there is the interesting instance of Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee having used Remote Healing and tele impressing on one particular night when terrorist attack was happening at Hotel Taj on November 27/28/29 in Mumbai (Bombay, then) in 2008. During the 2 hours that he was in Yoga-mode on that night, he noticed there was complete lull and pin-drop silence at the besieged hotel with gunshots having stopped from both sides, i.e., terrorists and security forces.
Why was silence from both sides? Very simple, the healing energy and cosmic psychological being do not differentiate amongst Maanavas on artificial basis such as that of nationality, etc. The cosmic psychological being considers each Maanav to be a being of divine light, its very own and therefore entitled to equal amount of healing energy…!
It is worth mentioning here that the individuals, patterns of whose minds change through tele impressing and remote healing, benefit in terms of regaining their lost vital health, too.

Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee’s scientific theory and explanation

Why Yoga-practitioners such as Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee are often able to alter contours of individual minds, events and terrestrial regions to help restore individual health and peace in the regions?
According to Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee, many Yoga-practitioners successfully reach highest levels of trance, meditation and oneness with the cosmic psychological-being.
One becoming one with the cosmic psychological-being during those moments, they acquire God-like super powers in terms of remote healing and tele impressing. This enables them to tap into vast reservoir of Cosmic-psychology to carry out desired Cosmological and Cosmographic changes in terms of altering individual perceptions and region’s vibrations.
Do not expect a Yoga-practitioner to perform miracles articulated in this research paper if that Yogee is not in highest state of consciousness. Yes, some Yogees can indeed do wonders even when they are not in Supreme Consciousness state. Nevertheless, it is true only for those Yogee who have some kind of Siddhi or Specialized Miraculous powers or control over certain category of celestial-beings such as ghosts, etc.

~ Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee

( Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee's Yoga-Secrets-Revealed Series - 60)

(Fotos: Courtesy of Nidhi Parmar)

Key Words

Second World War, Hitler, Himalayan Yogee, cosmic psychological being, tele impressing, Gurmeet Ram Rahim, Cosmographic-psychology, Cosmic-psychology, Cosmological cosmographic, Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi, Indian National Congress, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Akhilesh Yadav, Amar Singh, Samajwadi Party, Mayawati, Bahujan Samajwadi Party, Syria, Tony Blair, tele-impressed, Remote Healing, Saddam Hussein, September 11 in 2001, American president George W Bush, junior, Barack Hussein Obama’s, Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee, Peace, November 26 Mumbai attack, Nidhi Parmar
