What's The Factual Truth Of Today's India? It Is Time To Drain The Indian Swamp...!

"@ArvindKejriwal being Massive Failure ORDINARY #INDIANS MUST START #AntiEstablishmentProPeolpePolitics,CONTEST ELECTIONS, #DrainTheSwamp #DrainTheDeepState & CREATE PROSPEROUS LIFE ."~Dr #Swaamee @Aprtemaanandaa Jee @nytimes #नोएडा #NewAgePolitics #WhatIsFactualTruthOfIndiaToday 9."What's factual truth of today's India?It's high time ORDINARY PEOPLE of CAME FORWARD, TOOK CONTROL OF THEIR OWN DESTINIES BY CONTESTING ELECTIONS TO DRAIN THE POLITICAL SWAMP & CREATE A PROSPEROUS LIFE ."~Dr Jee

8."What's factual truth of today's India? It is high time Dogs, cats & wolves masquerading as big time self-seeking big political parties, insensitive bureaucracy & fake mass media are reined in by ORDINARY PEOPLE ."~Dr Jee

7."What's factual truth of today's India? Big time self-seeking big political parties, insensitive bureaucracy & money-making mass media HAVE ENSURED ORDINARY PEOPLE DON'T CONTEST ELECTIONS OR DRAIN THE POLITICAL SWAMP."~Dr Jee

6."What's factual truth of today's India? SOCIALLY INFLUENTIAL RELIGIOUS SPIRITUAL YOGA PREACHERS like , etc., practice & mislead INNOCENTS/EDUCATED into ."~Dr Jee

5."What's factual truth of today's India? Election body practices VIA rules that ENSURE NO HONEST PERSONS OR SMALL POLITICAL PARTIES ARE ABLE TO EVEN FILL UP NOMINATION PAPERS."~Dr Jee

4."What's factual truth of today's India? Election body practices though rules that HELP ONLY BIGGER POLITICAL PARTIES & THE CORRUPT PEOPLE TO SUCCESSFULLY CONTEST ELECTIONS ."~Dr Jee
3."What's factual truth of today's India? has metamorphosed into monstrous ,practices & SUPPRESSES SANER ."~Dr Jee
2."What's factual truth of today's India? BJP has become a party that practices the . Congress party practised the ."~Dr Jee

1."What's factual truth of today's India? It has sadly gone to dogs, cats & wolves masquerading as big time self-seeking big political parties, insensitive bureaucracy & money-making mass media."~Dr Jee

(fotos: Courtesy The All India Insaaneyat Editorial Team, The Twitter
