Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee displayed the highest possible standards of PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY, HONESTY, DEDICATION and MATRIOTISM while discharging duties as a Customs Officer in the rank of Inspector. This had earned him full unflinching trust of the highest ranking officials of various law enforcing agencies of Indian government such as the Coast Guard, Customs and Police, etc., WHICH IS A RARE PHENOMENON FOR A LOW RANKING OFFICER OF THE RANK OF INSPECTOR having put in just 3 years of service as evident from the letter to him in May, 1992 by deputy commandant of Indian Coast Guard S K Chaudhary and a personal greetings card sent in December, 1992 by Panjim Customs Commissioner (Preventive) Daya Shankar who wrote, “Please, let me know about any landings in your area.” Daya Shankar is the Customs Officer who had by then earned a solid reputation by having effected seizures of smuggled contrabands worth more than Rupees 1,00 crore and whom the smuggling syndicates feared most. These qualities indeed are in his blood because even his father who had started as a humble soldier of the Indian Army (18 Rajputana Rifles) too was admired for the same virtues by higher up such as the Company Commander of the rank of a Major as seen from a letter written to his father in the year 1969 by the company commander major Vijay Singh Chaudhary WHO LATER ON SACRIFICED HIS LIFE IN 1971 INDO-PAK WAR. His father had become a Junior Commissioned Officer within 10 years of service which was a rare thing those days and was a fire brand Para Commando.
