क्या RTI ACT 2005 फेल हो रहा है?

क्या RTI ACT 2005 फेल हो रहा है?  

म यह 

इसलिए पूछ रहे हैं क्योंकि ऑल इंडिया इन्सानियत पार्टी की

सुभाषचंद्र बोस से संबंधित २१ सितंबर २०१५ की निम्न

प्रदर्शित याचिका का अभी तक The Central Information

Commissioner ने कोई भी उत्तर नहीं दिया है !

Email: allindiainsaaneyatparty@gmail.com

Sept/CIC-PMO-SUBHASHFILES/1 Date:  21/9/2015


The Central Information Commissioner,

Second Floor, B Wing, August Kranti Bhawan,

Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi - 110066.


REFERENCE: Reply No. RTI/5581/2015-PMR dated 09/09/2015 from Mehar C Jhamb, THE Appellate Authority/Director, PM's Office, South Block, and New Delhi - 110002. (Copy enclosed)


(I) The Appellant, the undersigned, had in public interest vide appeal dated 01/08/2015 (copy enclosed)  appealed to THE Appellate Authority/Director, PM's Office, South Block, New Delhi - 110002 to direct the Central Public Information Officer, PM's Office, South Block, New Delhi - 110002 to Kindly furnish to the Appellant immediately the POINTWISE DETAILED INFORMATION ON SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE , the founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ , that was sought by the Appellant under the Right to Information Act 2005 vide the Appellant's letters dated 15th of April, 2015 and 25th of May 2015 (copies enclosed), along the following points :

[1] Copies of all the pages/notings in all the classified & declassified files on SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the great freedom fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero, maintained till date by the Government of India.

[2] Copies of all the pages/notings in all the classified & declassified files on SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the great freedom fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero, maintained till date by various intelligence agencies like the Intelligence Bureau, etc., of Government of India.

[3]Copy of the dissenting note submitted by Suresh Bose, member of Shah Nawaz Committee that had inquired into the mystery surrounding the disappearance/alleged-death of SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the great freedom fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero, in an alleged plane crash in Taiwan in 1945.

[4] Copies of all the correspondence (both classified & declassified) between Prime Minister Nehru Government and the British Government pertaining to matters related to SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the great freedom fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero.

[5] Copies of all the correspondence (classified & declassified) between Indian intelligence agencies like the IB, etc., and various foreign intelligence agencies such as that of the British Government pertaining to matters related to SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the great freedom fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero.

[6] Copy of the findings of all the committees instituted by the Indian government that had inquired into the mystery surrounding the disappearance/alleged-death of SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the great freedom fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero, in an alleged plane crash in Taiwan.

[7] Copies of all the pages/notings which carry detailed reasons for non-disclosure (under national security interests) of the information sought by us in points numbers [1] to [6] above in case PMO/Government of India refuses to give us the information sought by us.

The Appellant had also stated, “It is to be pointed out that some of the above information exempted under Sub-section (1) of section 8 of RTI ACT 2005 or exempted under the Officials Secrets Act, 1923 can be disclosed under Sub-section (2) of section 8 of RTI ACT 2005, since public interest in its disclosure overweighs the harm if any to the protected interests of the Indian nation-State.

The requested disclosure shall not harm interests of the present day India or Indian citizens. Rather, it shall only further the national interests in the international arena by reinforcing India nation-State's perception as the Mother of all modern democracies that respects the democratic rights of its citizens in terms of transparency in its all public governance/transactions.

Moreover, the disclosure of the requested information would not prejudicially affect the sovereignty and integrity, the security, strategic, scientific or economic interest of the Indian nation-State, relation with foreign state or lead to incitement of an offence. Also, it would not cause a breach of privilege of Parliament or State Legislature.

In addition, Sub-section (2) of section 8 of RTI ACT 2005 over rides provision of Sub-section (1) of Section 8 of RTI ACT 2005 in terms of the the public interest in disclosure of the instant information being sought overweighing the harm if any to the protected interests of the Indian nation-State. So, you are Law-bound as per RTI ACT 2005 to disclose even cabinet papers including records of deliberations of the Council of Ministers, Secretaries and other Officers, which cease to be exempted after 20 years have lapsed after occurrence of the incident to which the information relates.

We are seeking this information, as we Indian citizens are a directly affected party, since SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the Great Freedom Fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero is a common treasure of we all Indian citizens."

(ii) The Appellant vide above referred letter dated 09/09/2015 was informed by the Appellate Authority/Director, PM's Office, South Block, New Delhi - 110002 that the Central Public Information Officer, PM's Office, South Block, New Delhi - 110002 vide letter dated 7th August, 2015 had already replied to the Appellant, adding however that the Appellant's Appeal predates the despatch of The CPIO, PMO's reply (dt. 07.08.2015).

[A] The following is the reply vide letter dated 7th August, 2015given by the Central Public Information Officer, PM's Office, South Block, and New Delhi - 110002:

1. In view of the inputs of the office, an application dated 25.05.2015, received on 8.6.2015 from Shri Sher Singh Parmar, is transferred under section 6(3) of the RTI Act, 2005 for taking action as appropriate.

Home Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block, New Delhi - For point no. 2 & 5.

Foreign Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, South Block, New Delhi - For point no. 3, 4 & 5.

2. Office has intimated in respect of point 1 of your application that disclosure of the documents contained in these files would prejudicially affect relations with foreign countries. As such these files are exempt under Section 8(1) (a) read with 8(2) of the RTI Act, 2005. Point nos. 2, 3, 4 & 5 are being transferred to the above said public authorities, under section 6(3) of the Act. You are advised to approach the above said public authority for further information in the matter. As regards point 6 of your application whereby you have requested for copy of noting, it is informed that under RTI Act, 2005 information to be provided relates to information "held" by a public authority. Your demand for note sheet of file where your RTI application is dealt for future action as no note sheet was "held" at the time your application was received.

[b] The PMO's reply referred to above in point number [a] erroneously mentions "[7] Copies of all the pages/notings which carry detailed reasons for non-disclosure (under national security interests) of the information sought by us in points numbers [1] to [6] above in case your office/Government of India refuses to give us the information sought by us." as point number 6 which actually is point number 7. Thus, the PMO hasn't replied to the point number 6, viz., "[6] Copy of the findings of all the committees instituted by the Indian government that had inquired into the mystery surrounding the disappearance/alleged-death of SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the great freedom fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero, in an alleged plane crash in Taiwan."

(iii) Amita Bansal, The Section Officer (RTI), Room No. 2021, JNB, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi has vide letter F.NO. RTI/551/1766/2015 dated 19/8/2015 (copy enclosed) informed the Appellant of the Appellant's RTI Application having been transferred/forwarded to the following Public Authority/CPIO in the Ministry :-

"Shri Bayyapu Sandeep Kumar, US (JK), Room no. 270-A, South Block, New Delhi"

And requested the Appellant to contact the above mentioned CPIO/s for further information in the matter.

However, Shri Bayyapu Sandeep Kumar has so far not supplied any information to the Appellant.

(iv) There is so far no communication from the Home Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block, and New Delhi to the Appellant.


(I) The PMO has not ELABORATED ON or EXPLAINED as to HOW THE DISCLOSURE of the requested information would 'PREJUDICIALLY' affect relations with foreign countries...!

The PMO should have elaborated on and explained fully as to how the disclosure of the requisite information would have resulted into prejudicial relations with foreign countries. But, it hasn't done so. This shows that the PMO actually has no valid reason/s to deny the disclosure of the information. It also shows that the PMO has misapplied the provisions of Section 8(1) (a) read with 8(2) of the RTI Act, 2005 merely as a lame excuse to withhold the information from the Applicant...!

(ii) The following are the solidly reasoned reasons that prove the point that the disclosure of the information sought by the Applicant isn't PREJUDICIAL to Indian foreign relations:

[1] The disclosure of the information shall not adversely affect the present India's current friendly relations with the then victors of the World War II, i.e., UK, USA, France, Russia or China and for that matter any other nation-State in the world simply because in this era of integrated globalisation neither the contemporary Indians are going to snap ties with these countries nor these countries are going to break relations with India in the event of possibility of the information showing these other countries to be anti-India or anti-Subhash Chandra Bose.

This is so because today generally all countries have become interdependent economically whereby the past acrimonies are generally buried for good in the larger interests of the present welfare of the citizens.

For example, the Great Berlin Wall was brought down and the two Germany nation-States united again. This reunification of Germany certainly didn't impact prejudicially the new united Germany's relations with the rest of the world War II Foes such as the UK or the USA, etc. In fact, both the UK and Germany which had fought against each other during the World War II are now closely embraced as members in a friendly integrated European Union...!

Once upon a time, the UK had ruled on the USA which changed after the Boston Tea Party resistance that led to independence of the USA on the 4th of July, 1776. Yet, today, both the UK and the USA are great friendly nation-States.

[2] Today's India is an economically and militarily powerful independent sovereign nation-State which does not fear to speak out its mind or protect its own enlightened self-interests also called the National Interests.

Each nation-State has a birth right to protect its own national interests and this basic political axiom is well respected by all other countries in the world.

The act of protecting the national interests doesn't mean and doesn't necessarily result into an act of spoiling our friendly relations with other countries.

It is in our national interests to learn from the information on Subhash Chandra Bose and Azad Hind Fauz as to what were the great strengths and weaknesses of our great freedom fighters and the freedom movement. This information shall help us know the actual process through which our exemplary freedom fighters had tried to break the foreign British yoke.

Further, it shall help us learn as to how the colonising power such as the UK had tried its best to keep our country Bharat in perpetual bondage.

All this undoubtedly shall in the ultimate analysis help our current Indians and the posterity to thwart any foreign attempts to subdue our nation-State in any manner whatsoever, by helping us understand thoroughly the nefarious evil mechanisms employed by the then colonising power the Britain to subdue other countries and the effectiveness of the methods, tactics and strategies used deftly by our inspiring freedom fighters to liberate us from the foreign yoke...!

Therefore, to claim that the disclosure of the information sought would prejudicially affect relations with foreign countries is a travesty of the Indian national interests and displays a poor intellectual comprehension of the nitty-gritty of the International Relations by the PMO and the Indian Government.

(iii) The handful of the Indian bureaucrats and the ruling dispensation can't claim to be and indeed aren't the SOLE PROPRIETOR and REPOSITORY of all the political wisdom in the world to the utter neglect and exclusion of the COLLECTIVE WISDOM embodied in and represented by the COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS of 1.2 billion other non-governmental Indians in a true democratic set-up.

The umpteen number of articles in the Indian mass media over the years since independence in 1947 have only reiterated and reinforced the POLITICAL WISDOM of making public the information now being sought by the Applicant...!

But, the Indian Ruling class has till now chosen to wilfully ignore the COLLECTIVE POLITICAL WISDOM of 1.2 billion strong Indians. This COLLECTIVE POLITICAL WISDOM of 1.2 billion strong Indians is certainly in the instant case far superior to the LIMITED POLITICAL WISDOM represented by the PMO officials and their current political bosses.

(iv) The concept of the Friendly Foreign Relations can't take precedence over or over-ride the politically sacred concept of the Freedom or Free Will of an independent sovereign nation-State.

The notion of the Friendly Foreign Relations is meaningless if a nation-State doesn't know how to protect itself against the existing or potent exploitation or subversion by the other powerful colonising nation-State with whom it seeks to maintain Friendly Foreign Relations...!

The disclosure of the information sought would go a long way in helping India understand the pat evil designs and mindsets of the former exploiting nation-State/s. This in turn shall help India safeguard itself from any possibility of such exploitative attempts in future, near or distant.

In short, India shall be able to create or sustain Friendly Foreign Relations with such former exploitative nation-States on an equal or much stronger footing than ever before by making public the information being sought by the Applicant.


The disclosure of the information SHALL only HELP make a REAL, UNBIASED and LOGICAL assessment of the then anti-Subhash Chandra Bose and anti-India countries.

The files containing the information are certainly not a work of pure fiction or figment of imagination. They are a collection of the papers created or maintained by highly educated Indian bureaucrats.

Do we mean to say that the Indian bureaucrats were and are biased against the then anti-Subhash Chandra Bose and anti-India countries?

If yes, there was no logic or sense in creating or maintaining the Netaji files by investing invaluable time, energy, money and other resources of the Indian nation-State. (Since they were created and are being maintained means the Indian Government must have done so by accepting some inherent intrinsic worth and value of these files!)

Also, if yes, the public have all the more reason to know these files so as to be able to bring in the Corrective legislative, judicial or executive steps to rein in such BIASED behaviour if any displayed by the Indian bureaucracy and the Central Government.

If not, it only goes to prove the point that there is no BIAS or UNFOUNDED ANTI-ATTITUDE towards foreign countries in these files. AS SUCH, THE PLEA TAKEN BY THE PMO THAT 'THE disclosure of the documents contained in these files would prejudicially affect relations with foreign countries' IS RENDERED ILLOGICAL AND TOTALLY WRONG...!

(VI) The disclosure of the information sought shall help remove the confusion surrounding the mysterious disappearance of Subhash Chandra Bose besides providing the inspiring material information for the generations to come...!

(vii) The disclosure recently by the West Bengal state government of the files containing information on Subhash Chandra Bose certainly proves that the disclosure of the information sought shall not at all result into prejudicial foreign relations...!


The Appellant most humbly appeals to the Central Information Commissioner to direct immediately the PMO, Ministry of Home Affairs & Ministry of External Affairs to provide immediately to the Applicant the Following Information:

[1] Copies of all the pages/notings in all the classified & declassified files on SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the great freedom fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero, maintained till date by the Government of India.

[2] Copies of all the pages/notings in all the classified & declassified files on SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the great freedom fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero, maintained till date by various intelligence agencies like the Intelligence Bureau, etc., of Government of India.

[3]Copy of the dissenting note submitted by Suresh Bose, member of Shah Nawaz Committee that had inquired into the mystery surrounding the disappearance/alleged-death of SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the great freedom fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero, in an alleged plane crash in Taiwan in 1945.

[4] Copies of all the correspondence (both classified & declassified) between Prime Minister Nehru Government and the British Government pertaining to matters related to SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the great freedom fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero.

[5] Copies of all the correspondence (both classified & declassified) between Indian intelligence agencies like the IB, etc., and various foreign intelligence agencies such as that of the British Government pertaining to matters related to SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the great freedom fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero.

[6] Copy of the findings of all the committees instituted by the Indian government that had inquired into the mystery surrounding the disappearance/alleged-death of SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE, founder of AZAD HIND FAUZ, the great freedom fighter, our Supreme Legendary Greatest National Hero, in an alleged plane crash in Taiwan.

[7] Copies of all the pages/notings which carry detailed reasons for non-disclosure (under national security interests) of the information sought by us in points numbers [1] to [6] above in case PMO/Government of India refuses to give us the information sought by us.

In the light of the Enlightened Enumeration given above, it is most humbly requested with fervent hope and deep sincere prayer on the lips that the Hon'ble Central Information Commissioner shall consider this genuine Appeal purely on the Merit Basis in the Supreme Public and National Interests with Exemplary Rare Courage, Foresight and Wisdom and thereby leave a dazzling blazing inspiring Golden trail in the Indian History for other Central Information Commissioners to follow, by directing immediately the PMO, Ministry of Home Affairs & Ministry of External Affairs to provide immediately to the Applicant the Information requested above...!

Warm Regards,

(S A J)



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