The following is the true timeline of the Singapore Peace Summit between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump involving the key role played by All India Insaaneyat Party and Dr Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee:

1. /1: KimJongUn & trade abuses/rhetoric - World pessimists foresee Nuclear War - Donald Trump himself doesn't see/think any solution is in sight - Suddenly , takes initiative on to bring peace!

2. /2: 's on to bring peace is POSSIBLY seen by Team as to influence via & Jee!

3. /3: via persuades Kim Jong-un by telling him the benefits of reaching a deal with to resolve nuclear issue - teams of take 's announcement as a cue! 4. /4:Mistakenly taking cues from 's announcement as indian govt's attempt in DISGUISE to influence Kim Jong-un, teams of make hactic moves to reach out to to PREEMPT/MINIMISE India's influence! 5. /5:Dr Jee personally delivers for Kim Jong-un to embassy in New Delhi to resolve Nuclear Issue amicably & world learns of it via twitter.DPRK leader implements its contents,Takes & talks ! 6. /6:John Bolton's talk irritates Kim Jong un - tells of this folly via twitter & asks him not to demand Unilateral Denuclearisation of , & not spoil Peace efforts of Dr Jee! 7. /7: Donald Trump/Team reads 's tweet on John Bolton's ! He calls TV cameras, INGNORANCE & asks someone - 'Hey, where you learnt it(John Bolton's talk)?' Then he assures Kim Jong un won't happen! 8. /8: TWEETS TO to include Dr Jee in team as HE WOULD SOLVE NUCLEAR TUSSLE IN LESS THAN FIVE HOURS' TIME! Look! issue is & not MERELY American, as it is that imposed sanctions! 9. /9: TWEETS aren't responded TO by - Dr Jee isn't included! Clearly, they wanted no one lese to get CREDIT by making it appear it were Team only who made Kim Jong Un to talk peace! The & Teams've CORRECTLY CRIED FOUL OVER BEING DENIED CREDIT BY FOR THEIR GOOD WORK! But, when it comes to their own selves, they themselves UNFORTUNATELY/KNOWINGLY are doing the same by denying role of Dr Jee in the historic Singapore Peace Summit between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump to ensure Denuclearization of Korean Peninsula to ensure global peace.

(fotos: Courtesy The Twitter, The Editorial Board All India Insaaneyat Party)
