On September 29th, 2007, Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee had started the Maa Bhaaratee ALL INDIA WOMEN’S Sarvjana Samaajawaadee Paartee by floating its page on now defunct
This party was the FIRST POLITICAL PARTY in the history of India intended to be run mainly, equally and entirely by the Indian Women folk…!
THIS WAS PERHAPS THE FIRST GRAND EXPERIMENT IN the history of India that was meant to empower the Indian Women politically on such a grand scale.
Such a concept was unheard of in 2007 and was frowned upon by sceptics.
But, it served its golden purpose: Its presence forced the other competing BIG MAINSTREAM POLITICAL PARTIES to take up the issue of women empowerment seriously in terms of greater political inclusion of women political players, emphasis on providing better opportunities to girl child and induction of much younger generation of males in political positions of eminence.
Thanks to the profound influence of the pioneering work done by MBAIWSSP/MBAISSP, You find today many political outfits catering entirely to Indian women folk. The pioneering influencial work done by Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee has helped tremendously the promotion of the world peace by ensuring further political emancipation of women in India, the largest democracy of the world!
