By a strange design of the destiny, Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa
Jee led an economically very tough and socially challenging life for many
years, especially from the year 2005 to 2012. During this period, his attempts
to get even a simple thing such as a ration card for the self were nullified by
the INSENSITIVE administrations. Even his pleas to Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi
and Bhupender Singh Huda the Congress Vice President, President and Haryana
Chief Minister sent through courier post for help in procuring him a ration
card went unanswered. It was only from 2013 onwards that he got some respite
from the ongoing cycle of misfortunes.
The hon'ble Indian PM Narendra Modi possibly got the idea of requesting people to give up LPG gas subsidy to help the economically poor after having read one of the above affidavits [stating that Swaamee Aprtemaanandaa Jee has no gas connection] sent to him in the year 2014 along with a plea for help in a matter!